About Nikhil

Nikhil Vyas is a theatre director & maker, born in Mumbai and raised in Croydon. 

His work spans developing and directing new plays with writers, making collaborative performance with other artists, education and facilitation roles, and dramaturgy. 

He has developed and presented projects at the Young Vic, Soho Theatre, Park Theatre, Wardrobe Theatre, Camden People’s Theatre, and Siobhan Davies Dance. 

He is a recent recipient of Arts Council England’s Developing Your Creative Practice fund. He was co-founder and Artistic Director of Trip Hazards, named one of The Guardian’s Five Best Young Theatre Companies.

He also worked at New Diorama Theatre as Assistant Producer, which included participating in the NDT Broadgate Project and the building’s 2021 re-design & reopening. 

Training & Education

MA Drama Directing, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Springboard Director Training, Young Vic Theatre
Next Choreography, Siobhan Davies Dance
BA History, Durham University


Nikhil is always delighted to start new conversations and connections. To request a full CV, or to get in touch:

︎ Email: nickv-95@hotmail.co.uk
︎ Twitter: @nikhilv95 (be warned: take seriously anything he says there, at your peril)